Friday, December 28, 2007

This Christmas

I did it last night.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

If you're thinking When Harry Met Sally, I'm afraid the next few lines will disappoint though. It's not that kind of yes :)

Called the parents last night to say merry christmas and it was, euh, lovely. My dad was unusually fun to talk to and he sounded pretty excited at the prospect of me staying in Montreal next year. Then mum came online...

"Did you go to Christmas mass?"
"Ermm, no."

Immediately I could imagine this giant wave of panic taking over her and hear its powerful crashing sound travelling through the air between us.

Where was I on Christmas eve anyway? Probably boogie-ing the night away - loud, red-faced, and very very happy. Much happier than I would've been had I been at a mass.

But of course, this whole "not attending church because it conflicts with my beliefs and thus it gives me peace" rationale does not make any sense to mum. Not even when I pleaded my case, "But I DO believe in God, it's just not the one called Jesus Christ!"

Mum had seen it coming though, so this time she shot me her last bullet, "But you have been baptised, you're Catholic!"

Too bad for her, because I always have answer for everything. "But I was 1 year old then, I couldn't say no!"

And at that point, she gave up, and not long after, she hung up.

I am pretty sure she won't bug me about going to church again from now on.

1 comment:

L A Cammaro said...

hahahaa you did it !!!!!! well done, am very proud of you hahaha jangan jadi anak murtad ya di montreal... =P