Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ceritanya gua sekarang kerja jadi HR interviewer. Bukan untuk merekrut orang, tapi untuk melakukan background checks. You know, making sure crooks are not being hired...

I really enjoy doing this job because, hey, I get to talk all day long. That is so me, don't you think? Walaupun maap, blog ini jadi makin jarang di-update, terutama sejak 'krisis' sekitar dua minggu yang lalu yang ngga cuma menyurutkan nafsu makan, tapi juga nafsu nge-blog, dan nafsu-nafsu lainnya. Alhamdulilah semua nafsu tersebut sekarang sudah hampir pulih. *berdehem*

Sialnya, lidah gua tuh lumayan sering kepleset (keturunan dari nyokap). A jadi B dan B jadi A.

So far, here are my top three embarrassing tongue slips:

Original question: "So what was his reason for leaving?"
What came out: "So what was his reason for living?"

kenape sih bhs inggris mesti bunyinya mirip-mirip? ih rese deh...

Original question: "So how would you describe his temperament?"
What came out: "So how would you describe his temperature?"

pada saat itu gua pingin lari sekenceng-kencengnya menuju jendela dan terjun bebas ke lantai dasar...

Original line: "I'd really appreciate if if you could call me back on..."
What came out: "I'd really appreciate if if you could kill me..."

at least i was being polite about it...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

To settle or to wrestle, that is the question

So it has been over a month since I touched down on this country with a working visa. And it has been three weeks since I started 'normal life' again. My whole existence is once again regulated by that cruel little bitch called time.

I don't know. Is it the job? Or is it the boyfriend? Or "boyfriend"? That term has been a little fuzzy lately.

Either way, that little voice inside me is starting to get noisy. It's starting to spread its arms and legs and rudely kick me in the gut, all the while screaming, "I want to get out!"


But I just got in!

Ok. I have to fight hard this time. Boredom is my biggest enemy and I shall fight it earnestly. I can't do nothing about the job - I need some money to live after all - but the rest can be negotiated.

Let me think about that this week.

Mmm new man

Mati satu tumbuh seribu.
Habis gelap terbitlah terang.
The best way to get over a man is to get under another... et voilà!

But seriously, between this one and I, we have some freaky things in common:

1. On the night we met at this party, we brought the same kind of beer. It was St-Ambroise de blé à l'abricot. Granted, it was a fruity-themed party, but we were the only two who actually applied the rule to the kind of alcohol brought to the table.
2. That favorite picture of mine, the painting Nighthawks by Edward Hopper, once hung on the wall of his old apartment in Brussels.
3. We have the same favorite chips, right down to the brand name. Onion & sour cream rings, by Noname. We were grocery shopping on Friday night and when he saw what was in my basket, he was like, "Mais non!"
4. My birthday is 1212, his 0707.

Alright, so there are only four. It seemed like a lot before I wrote them out. Nevertheless... interesting.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Has anybody seen my grip?

The ghost of him lingers and suddenly I'm too afraid to go back to sleep. This will pass, I know. But in the meantime, this state of mind hurts like a bastard. It's even starting to get beyond the mind, no kidding. I realise that happiness is partly a will to be happy, because how else could it be that I could be so content and cruising about life one minute and cursing it the next?

Boy, I need to get a grip.

I was alright, really alright, before you came along. For awhile you fed me love. For awhile you fed me hope. But like the waves that come crashing in the sea, life turns up and down before my very eyes. And I'm struggling to stand up, unable to keep up.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New blog

If bored married couples have babies to keep their marriage alive, unemployed people blog to keep the boredom at bay. So with that theory in mind, I'm happy to announce that I just gave birth to a new blog.