Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's nearly over, this thing called 2008

One year has passed since I first started this blog. I'm no longer 27yo, like the blog address suggests. Soon, it will be 2009 and I will be well on my way to become a 30yo. Like everyone of my age, we all feel a certain anxiety entering this next phase of our life. Though we all have different challenges: some face the constant battle of a little child demanding utmost attention and wit, others scramble to find the buttons to move up the corporate elevator (admit it, no one ever takes the stairs at work anymore unless it's a fire drill, right?).

My sister asked in an email on my birthday recently: "So have you achieved a great deal this year?" Being my sister, she enjoys the privileges of being direct and in-my-face with me without coming across as accusatory and loaded with expectations - even though she used the words 'a great deal'. If that had been my dad asking, I probably would have got on the defensive.

I answered: "I don't know... define "great deal"? Actually I had a realization the other day that I have a really simple life, but happy one! I don't know if I could say that two years ago, so from that point of view, I think I have achieved a great deal."

And that is the truth.

I do realize, however, that a fulfilling personal life hinges on many other factors, one of which is having a fulfilling life outside of that. As much as a person loves their partner and family, if they don't have anything else that they look forward to or challenged with, sooner or later that family satisfaction will wither. I have seen this happen with my mother and her situation is not uncommon with the rest of the stay-at-home wife population.

Therefore, having said that, it is imperative that I have a goal. And it is imperative that I achieve it. So my resolution for 2009 is this: finish what I have started, whatever it is I have set out to do. For I believe that anything is possible and that not finishing what I have started is the primary reason why I have achieved relatively little success so far in my life.

Thank you for reading and happy new year!

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