Sunday, April 27, 2008

To settle or to wrestle, that is the question

So it has been over a month since I touched down on this country with a working visa. And it has been three weeks since I started 'normal life' again. My whole existence is once again regulated by that cruel little bitch called time.

I don't know. Is it the job? Or is it the boyfriend? Or "boyfriend"? That term has been a little fuzzy lately.

Either way, that little voice inside me is starting to get noisy. It's starting to spread its arms and legs and rudely kick me in the gut, all the while screaming, "I want to get out!"


But I just got in!

Ok. I have to fight hard this time. Boredom is my biggest enemy and I shall fight it earnestly. I can't do nothing about the job - I need some money to live after all - but the rest can be negotiated.

Let me think about that this week.


g string addict said...

owwww gawwwddd...
jadi gimana...
gue juga bosen-bosen engga jelas disini - kerja ga kerja ternyata sama aja. haha.

tsuseno said...

There's "healthy" bosen and "unhealthy" bosen. "Healthy" bosen has messages for you to move on. You should train your mind to let go and ignore "Unhealthy" bosen.

I reckon if you just joined into something (work, relationship etc) and you feel "bosen" , that's the "unhealthy" variety.

So, ignore and conquer it! :)