Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hate list V.1

1. Magazines that publish articles like "10 Signs He's Into You". The problem is that such guides usually leave us women more perplexed than ever. What if my man only shows 9 of the 10 signs? Does that mean I shouldn't marry him?

2. Singapore Airlines flight attendants who are extra nice to white men. I swear it's a brothel up there.

3. Men who pee carelessly in aeroplane toilets and leave their traces behind all over the seat and the floor. Fine I know the turbulence makes it harder to aim, but those paper towels are there to be used. If you happen to be one of those, here's a big fuck you to you.

4. People taking a dump in public toilets who wait until they're finished to flush the whole thing down, by which time their floating babies have had plenty of time to stink up the room. If your objective is to save water, copy the dogs and do it in your backyard.

5. People who update their status on Facebook every half an hour. Nobody cares that much about you, seriously.

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