Friday, January 25, 2008

Living with less

Last year just before I left for Canada I made a pact with the devil. I mean myself. It was to keep my posessions to a minimum.

  • Only keep clothes, shoes, and accessories that I wear on a regular basis.
  • Only keep digital music (no more CD's but I will keep my cassettes - these things played a role in defining who I am, after all)
  • Only keep books I plan to re-read in the future, or at least those that have really changed my life (among those "The road less travelled").
  • Only have one watch.
  • Only have one bag for each occasion.
  • Get rid of obsolete mementos (for example, pictures of ex-boyfriends older than 5 years old; the pictures, not the ex-boyfriends).

I haven't applied myself to these rules religiously, especially on Boxing Day when I treated myself to no less than 5 new t-shirts. I'm still struggling with the concept of 'less is more'. But I'm not giving up. Come February, I will clean up my old room (which will be up for rent). I'm turning over a new leaf.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The cold gives me funny thoughts

I've only known you for one month
I don't know who you are
who you've been
who you're going to be
or who you want to be
But right now I like you
and I think you like me too
I wish we could all function like animals
or Borat (I like you, I like sex)
who don't care less about feelings
and all the by-products that come with them
Maybe this time it'll be different
Maybe this time I'm going to make it right
Maybe this time it won't end with sorry

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I don't care if I sound cheesy

I'm allowed to say anything I want on this blog, even if it does nothing to the embetterment of society. And this is what I want to say, and I'm going to say it because I have no one to talk to right now. Women have this constant need to express themselves, know what I mean?

My boy of the moment is pretty fucking awesome - though he makes me a little nervous sometimes. Wait, maybe that's why he's awesome. Anybody who can rattle my smug little comfort zone must have something special to bring to the table. Ooh and you know what else? He has beautiful eyes :)

I know I know, I am in deep, deep trouble.

Friday, January 4, 2008

On a cold night like tonight

Bambi eyes was here last night. In fact he just left half an hour ago.


But then what does this all mean?
Am I about to jump into that all-so-familiar territory again?
No, no, and no! I hear myself scream
But life is truly a box of chocolates
and lately it seems that I've been getting only the good ones
My dad warned me about the guys in this city
For once... he's right.